
Unlicensed Drivers In Miami

It has been reported that one out of five drivers on the road in the state of Florida are not licensed. With highly-populated area like Miami-Dade County, it seems quite careless to up the risk of having a car accident even more. In fact, with almost 250 traffic fatalities a year, this county is #1 on Florida’s list of deadliest. Around four million of Miami’s residents do not have a valid driver’s license. So why are so many people without it? Let’s review a few reasons.

  •  Age of Driver: Although not every youngster is driving, there are still many that are doing so, regardless if they are legally allowed or not.
  •  License Status: Some of these people may have had a driver’s license in the past, but it is no longer valid. It may have been: expired, suspended, revoked or from another state and was never replaced.
  •  Legal Status: When a person is not a lawful resident, it is difficult for them to obtain a valid driver’s license.
  •  Desire: Believe it or not, many people choose not to have a license for one reason or another. This could be in part to today’s environmentally-conscious society.
  •  Fear: It is not uncommon for the anxiety that comes with driving to be too much for some people.
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  •  Skill: It’s true that some people were simply never taught to drive. It may have simply not been a priority to them.

There are even some drivers that do not have a real “excuse” for being unlicensed. They just didn’t get around to it. This does not necessarily mean that they are worse drivers, but it DOES meant they are driving unlawfully, and putting everyone involved at risk for not finding assurance in their ability.

Furthermore, driving without a license is taken pretty seriously in our state. If a Miami driver is caught unlicensed, they could be facing misdemeanor charges, with a $500 fine and up to 60 days in jail.

In addition, if you are involved in an auto accident and do not have a license, you could be more likely to be blamed for the wreck. Don’t let this happen to you. If you have a the need to be behind the wheel, get licensed as soon as possible to protect yourself, as well as others on the road.

If you’re harmed by an unlicensed driver and need a Miami car accident lawyer, get in touch with Carlos Verdecia at 1-888-424-4877.

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