
Premises Liability

What To Know About Slip and Falls In Chicago

With a Lawyer, You Have a Chance

Just because you fell in public, does not necessarily mean that you have a case – but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a case either! While it’s true that there are not as many of these claims as there used to be, every incident is unique, and needs to be fully evaluated by a legal professional. It’s best to consult with a premises liability attorney that handles slip and fall cases, like Carlos Verdecia.

See Your Doctor, Then See Your Attorney

As with any injury, you should always seek medical attention after being hurt in a slip and fall or other case of premises liability. Any attorney would strongly advise this. It is important for your well-being not to delay your medical treatment. In addition, this will provide key evidence of the harm put upon you, which could be vital in winning your case.

Asian caregiver helping senior male from falling on the ground at home.

A Premises Liability Lawyer Is Necessary

Keep in mind that there is more to premises liability than just slip and falls. If you were injured on the property of a company or landowner in Chicago and think it could have been prevented, you should discuss the matter with a Chicago premises liability lawyer. Reach out to the Verdecia Law Firm by dialing 305-918-1710 and get the advice and assistance that you can rely on.

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Experience & Dedication to Our Clients.

We take pride in our years of expertise and unwavering commitment towards ensuring the satisfaction and success of our clients.

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